ETH$ 3185.08
APE$ 1.22
ETH Gas12 Gwei
DeedΞ 0.18 KodaΞ 1.25 MaraΞ 0.031 -   VesselΞ 0.055 -   CatalystΞ 0.151 -  


Time to Evolve a Mara

When a Mara ingests a Catalyst (and some optional Sediment Fragments), it evolves into a Kodamara that takes on the physical traits possessed by that Catalyst.
Higher amounts of Fragments increase the rarity of the Kodamara.

Once evolved, a Kodamara can hunt, farm, or enchant — but they can only do one at a time, and will always be most effective at their original function.


To evolve into a Kodamara, a Mara must go through a catalysis.

The Catalysis Process
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