ETH$ 3172.64
APE$ 1.21
ETH Gas7 Gwei
DeedΞ 0.18 KodaΞ 1.25 MaraΞ 0.031 -   VesselΞ 0.055 -   CatalystΞ 0.151 -  


The Fusion Ritual

In season 2, the creation season, there are 6 types of catalysts. The distribution of these catalysts varies in the ranking in the shattered mode of the individual environment levels.

Catalyst - Creation Season | Tweet from Yuga-Labs Gaming

Each Catalyst type has a set of visual base traits. When consumed, a Kodamara’s traits will be a randomly generated unique combination depending on the Catalyst and Mara type.

A Mara’s tier has no impact on the visual traits assigned to a Kodamara. Nevertheless, a Mara tier and role will have a direct impact on a Kodamara’s in-game stats and skills.

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