ETH$ 3289.97
APE$ 1.100
ETH Gas10.7957 Gwei
DeedΞ 0.142 KodaΞ 1.16 KodamaraΞ 0.080 -   MaraΞ 0.012 CatalystΞ 0.091

Resource Void

The resource Void is identified in the Root category. There are in total 377 Void resources on 324 different otherdeeds.
Void has the rarity rank of #35 out of #74.
Currently there are a total of 8 listed otherdeeds and the current Void floor is 0.899 ETH.
Void Tier1
Tier 1
Void Tier2
Tier 2
Void Tier3
Tier 3
# Tier1 Tier2 Tier3 Total
North 38 20 27 85
East 41 30 26 97
South 50 29 25 104
West 42 30 19 91
Total 171 109 97 377
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