ETH$ 3170.41
APE$ 1.23
ETH Gas17 Gwei
DeedΞ 0.18 KodaΞ 1.25 MaraΞ 0.031 -   VesselΞ 0.055 -   CatalystΞ 0.151 -  


Came from the Sky to the Otherside

A vessel will be airdropped once you migrate your Otherdeed to the Otherdeed Expanded collection.
They are the pre-status of a Mara, you can breed your Vessel in Legends of the Mara.

To buy a vessel, feel free to use our vessel browser.

Hunter Vessel
Farmer Vessel
Enchanter Vessel

Hatching your Vessel

To receive a Mara, a player must nest their vessel on their Otherdeed Expanded for 7 days. You can also skip the nesting process with Myst.
The nesting can be done in the Camp. Each Otherdeed can simultaneously nest one vessel.

A Hunter Vessel nesting on an Otherdeed Expanded
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